Ron 26th March 2021

One of the pivotal points of my professional life was working as a Clinical Fellow with JKS and his team for 12 months in 1990. John was a very hard worker, both in the NHS and academically. He loved all his patients, wanting to sort out their problems completely and quickly, which meant that his 18 month waiting list was comprised only of patients designated "we must get this one in next week". He was a frequent travelling lecturer (which I think he did on purpose just to let me run the Unit for my own training): but he ensured that as often as possible his team could accompany him and present their own talks. His connections meant that I was privileged to give a wrist biomechanics lecture to the Hand Society - which was as academic as I ever got. I often heard his proud claim that he had the hospital record for the fastest total hip replacement from his days as Senior Registrar, which I believed, as he was especially good at being fast at operating when he needed to be - enough to catch the anaesthetists out on many occasions. His proudest claim was his family - we often heard how they were doing. I will remember him as a family man in the true sense of that phrase, and excellent all-round surgeon. I will miss you JKS.